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Making art is difficult. Often I’m blocked, and I have to battle with doubt, indecision, and a crushing sense of personal failure. Every artwork I produce is a victory flag.


This is what I do: I create durational live art works of an abstract nature, with my sensing, moving body in haptic engagement with an object or material.  I also create in other media, including painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture.  My artworks tend to be improvisations, where intuition and impulse are given space in the aesthetic realm.  An embodied intelligence and a perceptive self-awareness underpin my process, guiding the unfolding sequence of momentary choices. 


I want my life to have more life in it, not by seeking out high-octane situations, but by being fully present and authentic in every waking moment. I develop those qualities purposefully, through the sustained practice of improvised dance and mindfulness meditation.  The intent behind my art is both to foster and give form to the energy that animates my life.



YORK, UK, 2016


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